In 17th Century London, the first coffee houses were nicknamed Penny Universities. Scientists, merchants, poets, and politicians used the coffee houses to meet in, converse, and even conduct experiments and demonstrations. The name came from the idea that you could get a university education from listening to the customers, all for the price of a one-penny cup of coffee.

This concept inspired The Penny University Bookstore, and now this imprint as well!

Our Books:

Musings from the Bookstore

In the Penny University Bookstore, we have a typewriter and a pile of loose old book pages. We encourage people to type their thoughts or try their hand at black out poetry on the book pages. Every one of these acts of creativity that’s left in the store, we treat as a ‘submission’, and once a year we publish them into a little volume called “Musings from the Bookstore”. Available at The Penny University Bookstore and Tuppenny Coffee now! Or click here to buy online.